Datuk Mukriz Mahathir, MP for Jerlun
From NST
By June Ramli
KUALA LUMPUR, Mon: 9 Februariy, 2009
MP for Jerlun Datuk Muhkriz Mahathir has urged Pas assemblymen in Perak to join Umno to form a more stable state government. He said unity between the two political parties could unite the Malay community and bring prosperity to the nation.
MP for Jerlun Datuk Muhkriz Mahathir has urged Pas assemblymen in Perak to join Umno to form a more stable state government. He said unity between the two political parties could unite the Malay community and bring prosperity to the nation.
“In fact with Pas and Umno merging, we will be able to regain the states lost in the last elections,” he said at a press conference to announce the gala fundraising dinner for the Down’s Syndrome Association of Malaysia at Menara Kuala Lumpur, today.Muhkriz said Pas and Umno had more things in common than differences. “Deep in our hearts we all want unity among the Malays. Perhaps one way to do that is by getting Pas to join Umno,” he said.On the outburst by DAP chairman Karpal Singh that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was not fit to lead the Pakatan Rakyat coalition, he said: “We all know that the Pakatan Rakyat has been in a disarray from day one.”
“Unlike BN, the PR coalition is not official and one can clearly see that they have conflicting ideologies. One says hudud, the other says over my dead body,” he said, referring to the unresolved dispute between DAP and Pas on the matter.Muhkriz said Anwar has also failed as a leader as he has not been able to strengthen the ties between the parties in the coalition.On the situation in Perak, he said: “Barisan Nasional is not used to ‘hopping parties’ and if you remember clearly it was Anwar who started the idea when he said that he had 31 BN members who will defect to PR to form a new government. “For him it’s OK for BN members to defect to his party but when his own members defect to BN then he finds the act immoral,” he said.
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